What is HCG Diet?
HCG stand for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin that is a hormone produced during pregnancy. This was made by developing placenta after conception.
We are here to discuss on HCG Diet. Albert T. W. Simons (British Endocrinologist) planned HCG as an adjunct weight-loss diet to an ultra low calorie.
Before using you may know about the HCG diet. The Plan is a supplementary that helps to decrease your weight. HCG Plan comes in many products like HCG injections, pills, oral drops that give weight loss guarantee per day.
This is very big decision to follow the diet regularly there are many sources that providing surety to lost weight using their dieting program. But…
HCG diet have been published in both Journals as American Journal of Clinical Nutrition & American Medical Association that concluding HCG is not safe and not effective in weight-loss aid.
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