How to Paint Terracotta Flower Pots
Terracotta flower pots are available in various shapes and sizes but mostly are clay pots are very simple looking. If you want to change your clay pots looks than read this article. You can easily paint your clay pots and make it beautiful and stylish looking.
How to Paint your flower pot:-
- You can collect some specific tool like clay pot, layer of newspapers, plastic cloth, old vinyl tablecloth, brush for decorate your flower pots.
- smooth imperfection and bumps to sand pot lightly with use stiff brush
- Use cotton cloth for cleaning your clay pots before paint
- Paint inside of clay pots with acrylic spray paint and also paint in 2-3 coats of pot.
- For next step of painting process wait for dry the pot.
- After Dry the pot, you can layer on outside of pot with primer paint.
- Now, Paint outside of clay pot with your favorite color spray.
- Dry the pot and also make three layer of paint on pot
- If you want to more design your pot then sponge dipped in your favorite color.
- Design your pot with colored sponge dipped.
- After completing 10th step, use acrylic spray paint for protect your clay pot paint.
You can also buy readymade decorative flower pots with Online terracotta flower pots selling websites. These online pot supply websites provide various colorful terracotta flower pot for your home, office, room, hotel and living room corner decoration.
Our website handicrunch is also offer colorful terracotta flower pots in various size, shape, design and color combination. Our all creation of terracotta pots are different to each other. On these flower pot, you can use dry and fresh flower keep inside and make your home or room corner beautiful.
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