Before learn C language, we would learn about what is program. A program is a set of instructions to perform any task. Computer program is written in high level language. The entire process is done by a program called compiler. C is a high level language that developed by Dennis Ritchi in 1972.
There are three types or programs:
1. Sequential
2. Conditional
3. Iteration
Common structure of C Program:
# include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
Void main()
printf(“Hello World”);
} ——- End Program
# include <stdio.h>
#include<conio.h> : This section is in processed form which helps in functionality of program.
Void : It means nothing
Main : Each C program start with main function. This is origin of program. By default function is desiged to return any value, if a function does not return any value it is prefixed with void.
{} ( “Curly braces”) : These are used to define block of program. { : Start of program } : End of program
Clrscr(): This is a function. Function always end with simple baces(). This function is used to clear screen. The working of this function is written in conio.h header file.
Printf(): This function is used to print any message on screen. The working of this function is written in stdio.h header file.
;(Semi colon): Each c statement is terminated with semicolon.
Hope you have learned basic information of C language with post. If you want to learn more about C, C++, JAVA and other language please keep review this educational source.